Monday, March 21, 2011

Quick and Easy Workouts

Need a quick easy work out recipe? Here's a few everyday activities that are not deemed as "work-outs" but in reality are:

  1. go on a 30minute walk, sweat things up and challenge yourself on a route with hills
  2. if your taking public transportation, instead of getting off at your stop, get off a stop before and walk the rest of the way there
  3. bike with a friend and go explore a new neighborhood you've never been to
  4. if you have a gym membership, try an exercise class
  5. round up some friends and play a good ol' game of basketball
I hope this helps to just start your mind thinking of being ACTIVE. As for me, I'm spending my day chasing after my 6yr old and 2 yr old about a work out!


  1. the tips you suggested in this blog are a great start to beginning your physical fitness. i am a pretty physically active person myself, but i wasnt always. it was activities like these that i could do when i didnt have time to go to the gym that day or just even running simple errands. these activities are not only a great way to kick off your exercise routine but a start to healthy habits. when i began working out more i felt like i could also help boost my fitness when im not purposely working out by changing certain activities such as taking the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator. it not only saves time because no one else takes those alternatives anyway but a good health choice. i also chose to park further from places just to get more walking time rather than wasting time and gas finding the primo (the best) parking spot. there are so many other alternatives that people could be doing to exercise when they think they have no time and its blogs like this that could inform people of those activities. you should add more easy workouts just to give people more alternative and choice during their errand runs.

  2. right on Rebecca!thanks for sharing great insight on my brief blog, and its people like you that set great examples to achieve the easiest form of workouts merely through your daily errands;)

  3. I was just getting into something like this since I don't have the time..or patience to actually work out. I now try to take the stairs instead of escalators or elevators. And when I lazy, i'll walk up the escalators hahah. I think it's also a great idea that you mentioned walking or biking to a place, as oppose to driving a car. Not only does that benefit your health, but also the environment.

  4. Great Tips Susan! I don't make the time to work out and that is something I am trying to change. I like your idea about biking and trying an exercise class at my gym! Any thoughts for someone who is trying to get back in shape?

  5. Lisa-hope this helps &Tommy, I'll write my next blog topic couresty of you in

  6. Great post, Susan! I've actually been trying these tips, since I've found it hard to make myself get up and work out. Although I don't see much results at the moment, I do feel more energized through out the day.

    I've been meaning to get a gym membership, but finds it expensive and I don't think I will go as much as I plan. I have a tendency of getting a membership, show up for 2 weeks, and then quit. Seems like such a waste of money. Maybe you know of more alternatives?

  7. I'm a lazy guy and can't seem to make exercise a separate kind of thing; thanks for the helpful tips!

    Of course, that doesn't stop me from integrating all sorts of strenuous activities into my work. My brother likes to criticize me for making things harder for myself, but there's a reason I've kept a (relatively) trim figure compared to him.

    My secret is doing a whole lot of gruntwork.

    -When I get groceries from the car, I do it in as few trips as possible (meaning all the groceries my hand can handle). It works the biceps and triceps depending on the kind of stuff I work on.

    -Mechanic work, using the wrong tool. Ever try breaking 120ft-lbs of torque with a 1 foot hand wrench? That's a great tonic workout there.

    Flexibility comes in when you're trying to blindly snake your hand around a burning hot exhaust pipe while making your way to a terribly placed oil filter.

    As for a leg workout? Try keeping a car from rolling off your driveway. 1.5 tons of steel and aluminum and a 15 degree incline versus your leg strength.

    Passive workouts are the best to maintain, but not really to build or tone. At least that's how its been for me.

  8. I love your blog it is awesome, and really helpful! Recently I joined 24 hour fitness and cut sugar out of my diet. I am definitely going to be coming to your blog for advice and tips! Like I said I joined 24 hour, and just today I tried a pilates class, and I not only loved the instructor, but the class too! So I would say to anyone reading your blog definitely listen and take notes, because the little things really do help make a change!

  9. These tips are very helpful. Originally from San Diego, I drove everywhere, but moving up to SF has changed my lifestyle dramatically. I have a membership to the gym, but seldom do any cardio. Since my move up to SF, I find myself walking everywhere and I love it. I think walking is just right amount of cardio for someone like me trying to gain weight, but burn fat.

  10. These are great tips that are really helpful. Walking more and participating in some type of exercise is not only something healthy for us it's something that would make us feel good afterwards. I usto play basketball a lot over the summer, and now with all the school work its become something I miss. Ready your post has gotten me to want to start playing more often, to not only get fit but to feel good and be healthy.
