Monday, February 14, 2011

Eat, Not in Bliss

Ah, its Valentines Day! For some its another ordinary day, while others with a special someone are faced with temptations and decisions, by that I mean of course food! A few tips on navigating your Valentine's Day if your on a strict diet, like me is to:

1. try to fit in at least a 30min cardio-work out sometime in the morning, therefore you'll be burning calories throughout the day
2. eat Dark Chocolate if you must, avoid any other deadly sugary treat
3. try to have dinner as earliest as possible, even if its 5pm
4. order Seafood and Vegetables; grilled,steamed,or smoked, and avoid carbs as much as possible
5. lastly, dessert if you must devoured that tirmuirsu, red velvet cake, or something along the sugary carbs  then SHARE IT with only 1 order. (I would suggest fresh strawberries dipped in dark chocolate)
6. after dinner, take a nice walk with your significant other to digest the food better 

A huge misconception about dieting, is that we must be super strict and never cheat. Well giving our bodies a "cheat" day, with an exception of making smart cheat choices is completely fine! Versus eating a cheeseburger or pizza is obviously not a smart cheat choice. The real reason, that we can make small tweaks and exceptions in our diets, is to throw your body off. After being on an extensive diet, sometimes your body needs that resistance and reminder of the fatty foods it once craved, which in turn will have no affect on you and only make your discipline stronger. So I hope you learn from this blog that allowing your body to eat bad, for 1 MEAL (not an entire day) is okay, of course this treat should only be awarded once a month with a good work out regime.

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. I truly enjoyed this blog because I have been on a diet for a while and it was hard to take my girlfriend out someplace nice and not go off my diet. When I used to be on a diet before while living in San Luis Obispo I would eat healthy and work out 6 days a week but on Sundays we would take a day off and eat the way we would like. So hearing that this is ok is great for me.
